Now we've come full circle

The Dark Eve is an adventure game. A place where you can do battles with great monsters, a place full of treasure to find, traps to avoid and tasks and puzzles to solve! It's also a place to hang out and meet other people with similar interests. Remember that these people are REAL people who may be sitting next to you, or may be on the other side of the world! Remember this when you say good morning to them, as it may be their bed-time! We are just starting and looking for staff, different jobs.


Choose your Race

Aleister Hero Character


An elf is a type of humanoid supernatural being in Germanic mythology and folklore. Elves generally seem to have been thought of as beings with magical powers and supernatural beauty, ambivalent towards everyday people and capable of either helping or hindering them.

Hecate Hero Character


A dwarf is an entity that dwells in mountains and in the earth. The entity is variously associated with wisdom, smithing, mining, and crafting.

Theregar Hero Character


Kitsune are intelligent foxes that possess paranormal abilities that increase as they get older and wiser. All foxes have the ability to shapeshift into human form. Other stories portray them as faithful guardians, friends, and lovers.

Roth Hero Character


The faun is a mythological half human–half goat creature appearing in Roman mythology. The goat men, are bipedal creatures with the legs and tail of a goat and the head, torso, and arms of a man.

Roth Hero Character


Humans are the most abundant and widespread species of primates, characterized by bipedality and large, complex brains enabling the development of advanced tools.

Roth Hero Character


Gargoyles are usually an elongated fantastical animal because the length of the gargoyle determines how far water is directed from the wall. When Gothic flying buttresses were used, aqueducts were sometimes cut into the buttress to divert water over the aisle walls.

Dark Eve Gold (DEG) & NFTs

Dark Eve Gold (DEG) is an ERC-20 token, and it's also the main coin in the Dark Eve game, you will be able to gain DEG by playing the game leveling up, killing monsters, selling articles or tools and completing quests. After gaining Dark Eve gold on the game, you can transfer this to your ethereum wallet in Metamask.
Also, many items on the game will be add as NFTs, but for the new comers and since we are starting we are adding the legendary website assets. Visit our collection and be one of the legendary sponsors.

The Insights of Darkness

Hu Shun Xiao
When people comment on Dark Eve's difficulty, I always reply 'The armor of a true knight, is not shiny - only battle worn'.

Hu Shun Xiao, Lead Developer

Rob Auguste
There is nothing - literally - nothing more satisfying for a VFX artist to see his work giving life to a luscious 3D environment.

Rob Auguste, Senior VFX Artist

Antonio Kirill
People ask me why I work such long hours and I find myself quoting the same thing - I simply adore making games.

Antonio Kirill, Lead Game Designer